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self care for tired moms

Mommin’ ain’t easy! Here’s some stuff to make mom life less stressful! From one busy mom to another. Kick the mom shamers to the curb, ditch the mom guilt, and do what works for your family! 

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About Mom-Thoughts

babies, toddlers, pregnancy, parenthood, postpartum, family life, toddler approved recipes

My name’s Heather and I am the proud mom to one beautiful, crazy, wonderfully weird, and sassy little toddler! (Did I mention SASSY?!) My parents passed away before my child was born, so  I often found myself needing advice and support, but not quite knowing where to turn. 

With mom shamers lurking around every corner, it’s hard to feel accepted and appreciated as the total ROCK STAR of a woman you are. 

Here at Mom-Thoughts we believe in doing whatever works for you and your family and not being shamed for it! We believe in realistic parenting that involves making sure YOU MAMA, are taken care of too! 

Welcome to the club. <3